Thursday, February 2, 2012

 35 Weeks finished! I have been off lately with my posts and didn't get a 34 week pic taken. Very ready for baby Brayden to finally be here! 
How Far Along? 35 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 33 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yep that's all I wear!
Stretch Marks? Yea :( They are everywhere! No more bikinis for this Momma 
Sleep: What sleep?! No luck getting any sleep at night, between back aches and emptying my bladder.
Best Moment this week? Just the thought of being closer to meeting my baby.
Miss anything? Breathing, sleeping, people not staring at me like I'm a whale.
Movement: Slowly starting to feel less and less but enough so that I know hes ok!
Food Cravings: Ice Water
Gender: Sweet Little Boy
Labor Signs: Lots of contractions, but no change in my cervix
Belly Button in or out? Out!

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