Monday, January 2, 2012

31 Weeks! Sorry I missed getting a photo at 30 weeks so I'm getting caught up now! wow only 9 more to go! I cant believe in just over two months I will have my baby here!
How Far Along? 31 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yep that's all I wear!
Stretch Marks? Using Lotion and Bio Oil like crazy! But none on my tummy! (Fingers Crossed)
Sleep: Pretty good! I'm back to being very sleepy again! But, his kicks seem to wake me from a dead sleep lately! And crazy dreams!
Best Moment this week? Finishing everything for Brayden! I have everything I need for him! His room is 100% ready! My Hospital bag is ready and the Car seat is on the way!
Miss anything? Missing getting to have a glass of wine with dinner!
Movement: Lots! Usually all day everyday!
Food Cravings: Fruit lately! Bananas and Grapes!!
Gender: Boy! Boy! Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks Contractions still but no REAL signs
Belly Button in or out? Slowly starting to stick out!

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