Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Behind! I am slacking at keeping my weekly photos up! I feel like with work and being tiered all the time and starting school on Monday I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off! I am going to try my best to get a 33 week pic up this weekend! As far as an update with Brayden, he is growing growing growing! I saw my Dr this week because of a bruise and his heart beat was 127 and size was measuring great! Still feeling lots of movement, my whole stomach moves as he does his barrel rolls! I finished buying the rest of the things I needed for B! I'm so ready for him to be here and cuddle and kiss on him! I have a Dr apt today so I will be sure to put a post up about how that goes! This is my last two week apt I move to one week after this apt! Crazy to think he is almost here!
Cute little cowboy shirt that Braydens Auntie got him! He is going to be the cutest little cowboy ever! I'm so excited for him to wear all is country getup!
Mommy got spoiled this week too! I figured with all this crazy winter storm business I need some good shoes since I'm packing around my sweet little baby! I was so excited when they came in they are so comfortable too!

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