Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hey everyone I am moving to a new blog! the reason I am switching is with this new blog I can post right from my phone! Hopefully you'll check out my new blog! Xo

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How Far Along? 37 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 33 lbs
Maternity Clothes? My closet is full
Stretch Marks? Yea :( They are everywhere! In search of a magic eraser! STILL
Sleep: Mmm not really sleeping anymore
Best Moment this week? Learning that baby boy is back head down!
Miss anything? Eating without getting heart burn!
Movement: Yes still a very active little guy!
Food Cravings: Ice Water
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Lots of contractions, but no change in my cervix
Belly Button in or out? Out!

Monday, February 13, 2012

How Far Along? 36 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 33 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Of course!
Stretch Marks? Yea :( They are everywhere! In search of a magic eraser!
Sleep: What sleep?!  I've lost all hope in getting sleep any time soon with baby soon approaching and this huge belly in the way!
Best Moment this week? Mmm this was a tough week, best moment would have to be Brayden tickling me from the inside.
Miss anything? Sleeping on my tummy!
Movement: Yes now that he is breech he pushes his feet against one side and his head pushes the other side Double Action!
Food Cravings: Ice Water
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Lots of contractions, but no change in my cervix
Belly Button in or out? Out!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

 35 Weeks finished! I have been off lately with my posts and didn't get a 34 week pic taken. Very ready for baby Brayden to finally be here! 
How Far Along? 35 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 33 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yep that's all I wear!
Stretch Marks? Yea :( They are everywhere! No more bikinis for this Momma 
Sleep: What sleep?! No luck getting any sleep at night, between back aches and emptying my bladder.
Best Moment this week? Just the thought of being closer to meeting my baby.
Miss anything? Breathing, sleeping, people not staring at me like I'm a whale.
Movement: Slowly starting to feel less and less but enough so that I know hes ok!
Food Cravings: Ice Water
Gender: Sweet Little Boy
Labor Signs: Lots of contractions, but no change in my cervix
Belly Button in or out? Out!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

33 Weeks Down! He is sitting super low so I'm guessing that he has officially dropped! Getting SOO excited to meet Brayden! Everything is ready now just time for baby!
How Far Along? 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yep that's all I wear!
Stretch Marks? Yes they are everywhere! :( 
Sleep: Awful! Between the heart burn and the kicking I'm not getting alot of sleep!
Best Moment this week? Finishing shopping for the rest on my list!
Miss anything? Being comfortable!
Movement: Lots! Usually all day everyday! Hes a big fan of the Barrel Rolls!
Food Cravings: Chocolate Milkshakes!
Gender: Boy! Boy! Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks Contractions have giving me a few scares!
Belly Button in or out? Outtie!
Behind! I am slacking at keeping my weekly photos up! I feel like with work and being tiered all the time and starting school on Monday I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off! I am going to try my best to get a 33 week pic up this weekend! As far as an update with Brayden, he is growing growing growing! I saw my Dr this week because of a bruise and his heart beat was 127 and size was measuring great! Still feeling lots of movement, my whole stomach moves as he does his barrel rolls! I finished buying the rest of the things I needed for B! I'm so ready for him to be here and cuddle and kiss on him! I have a Dr apt today so I will be sure to put a post up about how that goes! This is my last two week apt I move to one week after this apt! Crazy to think he is almost here!
Cute little cowboy shirt that Braydens Auntie got him! He is going to be the cutest little cowboy ever! I'm so excited for him to wear all is country getup!
Mommy got spoiled this week too! I figured with all this crazy winter storm business I need some good shoes since I'm packing around my sweet little baby! I was so excited when they came in they are so comfortable too!

Monday, January 2, 2012

31 Weeks! Sorry I missed getting a photo at 30 weeks so I'm getting caught up now! wow only 9 more to go! I cant believe in just over two months I will have my baby here!
How Far Along? 31 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yep that's all I wear!
Stretch Marks? Using Lotion and Bio Oil like crazy! But none on my tummy! (Fingers Crossed)
Sleep: Pretty good! I'm back to being very sleepy again! But, his kicks seem to wake me from a dead sleep lately! And crazy dreams!
Best Moment this week? Finishing everything for Brayden! I have everything I need for him! His room is 100% ready! My Hospital bag is ready and the Car seat is on the way!
Miss anything? Missing getting to have a glass of wine with dinner!
Movement: Lots! Usually all day everyday!
Food Cravings: Fruit lately! Bananas and Grapes!!
Gender: Boy! Boy! Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks Contractions still but no REAL signs
Belly Button in or out? Slowly starting to stick out!