Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas! Brayden & Mommy got very spoiled for Christmas! The top photo is the necklace that Brayden got Mommy :) aka My amazing parents got it for me! I love it and plan to wear it everyday! The bottom pic is me and Baby boys matching slippers that we got! Only 9 more weeks until sweet baby is here! Getting very excited, I only have a few more things to buy before he comes!

Friday, December 16, 2011

29 Weeks! 11 MORE! The Dr is thinking that B will come a little early! I cant wait to meet my sweet baby! I feel like time is standing still! Getting my Hospital bag ready this week just because we don't know when he will choose to come!
How Far Along? 29 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 21 lbs
Maternity Clothes? I have actually had to get bigger maternity clothes because Mr.Brayden is getting so big!
Stretch Marks? Still only on my Breast, I have been using Oil and Lotion like crazy!
Sleep: AMAZING! I even can sneak in a nap during the day on my days off!
Best Moment this week? Getting ready for Christmas! Wrapping presents! Cant believe next year for Christmas my baby will be 10 months old!
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach!
Movement: Lots of it! The Dr. says that I should start feeling less because hes running out of room but I don't think hes going to stop any time soon!
Food Cravings: Sweets! Thank Gosh its the Holidays and there is always lots of candy and treats sitting around the house!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Read Meat
Gender: Boy! Boy! Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks Contractions still but no REAL signs
Belly Button in or out? Slowly starting to stick out! 
28 Weeks! Sorry Im behind on my posting! Finals are over so now I have much more time!
How Far Along? 28 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Its all I have worn since 20 weeks!
Stretch Marks? Just a few on my Breast
Sleep: Now that I have hit my 3d trimester I seem to be soo tiered again so sleeping great!
Best Moment this week? When My brother got to feel his Nephew kick for the first time he was excited so it was a very fun experience!
Miss anything? Getting my hair dyed! My color is growing out and driving me crazy!
Movement: LOTS! He is starting to pack quite a punch!
Food Cravings: Food in general always sounds great! haha
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still only Read Meat
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Started to get Braxton Hicks Contractions
Belly Button in or out? Starting to poke out a little!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

27 weeks and 3 Days! 89 More days until my due date! I cant wait to meet my baby! Ive noticed when I'm home alone I just go in and look at his crib or re fold his sweet little clothes! I cant wait until hes here to snuggle! So excited to meet you Brayden Lyle!
How Far Along? 27 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 19 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Its all I can wear! I have gotten quite a bit of cute clothes!
Stretch Marks? Still just on my breast
Sleep: Good other than the late night heart burn & newly discovered Braxton Hicks Contractions
Best Moment this week? When Brayden learned to do flips! Its the coolest thing to feel and even to watch!
Miss anything? Soda! I crave dark soda!
Movement: Everyday all day! and of course his new flips!
Food Cravings: Soda, sweets pretty much all junk food! But I'm trying to do good and eat only healthy!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still only Read Meat
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Started to get Braxton Hicks Contractions
Belly Button in or out? mmmm its like a slit these days

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day with Family

Fun day with my nephews Sawyer and Roper! Love cuddling Sawyer makes me want Brayden here even more! Roper was so much fun always the life of the party!

Almost Current

Ok..Now we are only a week ish off to real time in my Pregnancy! I love this Chalk Board idea I got it from a Blog that I have been watching daily because she has the best Ideas! check it out! Even tho I love it hers always look better and I think I'm going to switch to a white board next post!

How Far Along? 26 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 17 lbs
Maternity Clothes? HA funny that's all I have fit into since week 20!
Stretch Marks? No where but my breast..I almost cried (ok ok so maybe I did cry)
Sleep: Pretty great!
Best Moment this week? Prolly My new mommy hair cut!
Miss anything? Pain free days! My back is Killing me and I would love to have a day with no pain!
Movement: All the time! All day all night! Hes super active!
Food Cravings: Sweets! I was never a big Chocolate fan but now I cant get enough! Even tho anything I eat gives me heart burn!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Red Meat! Just cant do it!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? mmmm its like a slit these days

Mommy Cut

For the first time EVER...I decided to chop my hair off! I wanted to cry but at the same time I love it! Took me a bit to decide if I liked it or not but now I love how easy it is!

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from Baby B & Me! We had the best time with our family all around! Best moment was when my four year old nephew Roper came up to me and asked "Is that my cousin in your tummy?" Then all night kept telling me how he was going to play with Brayden and teach him everything that he knows!
My sweet Momma got me some nummy bubbly juice since I couldn't enjoy a glass of wine this year at Thanksgiving!

Family Photos

 My Beautiful Family
 My Siblings and Nephews
 My Brother, Sister In-Law and Nephews
Papa, Grandma and the Boys

Its that time of year again, Christmas card photos! And of course as being the Professional Photographer of the family having someone take our pictures Is always out of the option. Tripod all set up, 24 weeks pregnant I run back and forth racing the timer!


Finally at 24 weeks I felt Brayden kick! I was so worried because everyone was saying that I should be feeling him and I wasn't! My parents were sitting there for the first time I saw my tummy move and I couldn't stop giggling for at least a half hour and I think I scared the little guy he didn't kick again for hours!

Crib & Dresser

The start of my HUGE project! Brayden's Great Grammie bought him a crib and dresser! Of course I picked the weekend my Dad was out of town to put everything together!

Almost four hours later the dresser and crib were set up and filled ready for Brayden! The dresser took me and my Mom about three hours and the crib maybe half hour! Such a long project but we have so many laughs and memories from this day preparing for my sweet baby!

More Pre-Blogging

 23 Weeks! Getting bigger and bigger! Thinking this lil boy is gunna be HUGE!
My Mom & I went out and took some pics this is one of my favorites! I love baseball and I hope to be watching my lil man on this field someday!
About 21 Weeks

Pre-Blogging Days

First picture of my sweet baby! This was also the day that I found out that he was a boy! I always wanted all boys so I was so excited when I found out! Didnt take me but hours to have the name picked out! Brayden was just a name that I found in a book and Lyle is a family middle name that I have always wanted to carry on in my family.

First belly photo at 19 weeks. Without any sickness, I had no idea that I was expecting! Everyone keeps telling me that Im lucky that I didnt find out untill I was pretty much half way done!