Friday, December 16, 2011

29 Weeks! 11 MORE! The Dr is thinking that B will come a little early! I cant wait to meet my sweet baby! I feel like time is standing still! Getting my Hospital bag ready this week just because we don't know when he will choose to come!
How Far Along? 29 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 21 lbs
Maternity Clothes? I have actually had to get bigger maternity clothes because Mr.Brayden is getting so big!
Stretch Marks? Still only on my Breast, I have been using Oil and Lotion like crazy!
Sleep: AMAZING! I even can sneak in a nap during the day on my days off!
Best Moment this week? Getting ready for Christmas! Wrapping presents! Cant believe next year for Christmas my baby will be 10 months old!
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach!
Movement: Lots of it! The Dr. says that I should start feeling less because hes running out of room but I don't think hes going to stop any time soon!
Food Cravings: Sweets! Thank Gosh its the Holidays and there is always lots of candy and treats sitting around the house!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Read Meat
Gender: Boy! Boy! Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks Contractions still but no REAL signs
Belly Button in or out? Slowly starting to stick out! 

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